7 tips: Live digital experience

Live events will be back, because we need all social contacts and personal exchange — human to human. Digital — as we too have been able to see for a year — can certainly replace a number of things and also improve many things. But creating a real atmosphere is really challenging — for clients and as an agency, but also for the participants. Digital live experience is the magician of the hour — many things are possible, but require even more sensitive planning and many things must now be thought of differently on the customer side. With this special newsletter, we would like to share some important experiences with you and at the same time give you tips for your next plans.
If already digital, then please live
Nothing is less interesting than having to watch pre-produced recordings.
If we want to talk about an event, we recommend a live happening or at least live talks, live presentations, live product presentations.
Thanks to rapidly developing technical possibilities, people and live recordings from a wide variety of locations around the world can be brought together in real time at any time.
The spice lies in the brevity
Old saying, but that's exactly how it works. Short intro, spark interest in upcoming topics and get started quickly. Our screen time has grown immensely — online events and video calls are virtually part of everyday life. Forget extended conference formats as we know them live. We recommend that you create a series of shorter sessions with quick scene changes. Focus on relevant content, give short keynote speeches and then move on to a talk. Viewers can also be immediately involved with questions.
Crunchy content is king
Unfortunately, it is easier to simply click away online than to leave a conference hall. Content should therefore be captivating and presented in an interesting way right from the start. Set clear theses; address topics that stimulate discussion and make viewers stay tuned and engage with the topics. Long-winded content that is repetitive is not suitable for digital events. Then make further information available for download after the sessions.
Be authentic, be real
It doesn't necessarily have to be the professional speaker, rather make it tangible with their own colleagues, that alone captivates the audience in a completely different way. Influenced by social media, we want to see real people and, despite the distance, have the feeling that people are close. This in combination with other speakers or exciting live broadcasts creates an entertaining atmosphere.
Interaction with participants
Not only necessary to keep participants involved, but really a point that sometimes works even worse live than digitally, but should definitely be intensified digitally. The inhibition threshold is much lower digitally than raising your hand somewhere and speaking into a microphone at a live event. With a chat function on the streaming platform, you can type and collect questions and comments during the presentation. Chats allow everyone to participate in thought processes, not just the person sitting next to them. This is not only fun for many participants, but also brings together highly interesting feedback and sentiments from the guest environment.
Exciting locations and live broadcasts
Some might think that venues don't matter at digital events and that you can virtually recreate everything with green screen, VR and the like. What's right is that you can create digitally interesting backdrops and therefore make even a small panel discussion much more exciting than simply broadcasting from your home office.
However, it only becomes exciting when participants are taken to distant places that they normally have no access to or are currently unable to access due to corona. So why not give an insight into a company/production location on the other side of the world or join an extreme athlete live from the mountains as a talk guest — now the live digital experience starts and the participants receive real added value.
Technically, everything has to be right or why not let participants dive into their own virtual world?!
Everything stands or falls with the right platform, sufficient streaming power and a user-friendly interface. The bigger the event, the more important the user experience. A well-thought-out user journey starts with the invitation mechanism and registration. After that, everything should be manageable. For example, an easy-to-overview agenda is important. For larger formats, you should be able to set your favorites, preferably with a link to the respective participants' own calendar and a suitable reminder. Perhaps you should think about your own rooms where participants can get together for networking or further sessions. Entire rooms, exhibition stands, and scenes can be simulated virtually. Or why not create their own virtual world, through which the participant can move through similar to an adventure game? Virtually, the imagination has no limits
Would you like more information? Just ring the bell or write to us, we'll be happy to arrange a joint video call.
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