Incentive & Travel

User Generated Content auf Events


Warum sollte User Generated Content bei Live-Marketing-Maßnahmen und Events nicht fehlen?

• Echtzeit-Content für maximale Reichweite: Während dein Event läuft, erstellen UGC Creator hochwertigen, authentischen Content direkt vor Ort und veröffentlichen ihn auf der Unternehmensseite – emotional, mitreißend und zielgruppenrelevant.

• Höhere Engagement-Rate: Inhalte, die von Teilnehmern und UGC Creatorn erstellt werden, erzielen eine signifikant höhere Interaktionsrate als klassische Werbeanzeigen.

• Langfristige Nutzung des Contents: Die produzierten Inhalte können nicht nur live während des Events genutzt werden, sondern auch für Social Media Ads, Webseiten, zukünftige Kampagnen und Retargeting-Maßnahmen.

• Steigerung der Markenbekanntheit: UGC schafft eine glaubwürdige Brand Experience, die sich von klassischer Werbung abhebt und langfristig in den Köpfen der Zielgruppe bleibt.

So verbinden wir UGC mit Events & Live-Marketing-Maßnahmen

Unsere speziell geschulten UGC Creator begleiten Events und Roadshows vor Ort, erfassen besondere Momente und erstellen authentische Inhalte in verschiedenen Formaten - sei es als Reels, Tik Toks, Stories oder Interviews. Dabei legen wir besonderen Wert auf Storytelling und virale Elemente, um dein Event nachhaltig online sichtbar zu machen und die Interaktion mit der Community zu fördern.

1,5K Follower
Saxofonistin & DJane​
7,1K Follower
Yoga, Lifestyle, Familie​
235K​ Follower
Former Pro Athlete
5K​ Follower

Bereit für den nächsten Schritt?

Setze auf authentische Emotionen, Social Media-Reichweite und viralen Content für dein Event. Lass uns gemeinsam deine Veranstaltung mit hochwertigem User Generated Content bereichern und deine Marke nachhaltig in den sozialen Netzwerken verankern!


Co-Founder / VisionZ


Co-Founder / VisionZ
Kontaktiere uns

We are your specialists in <span-underline>incentive & travel events.<span-underline> Our passion lies in crafting unforgettable incentive experiences that <span-underline>both motivate and inspire<span-underline> From thrilling destinations to secret spots, breathtaking team activities, inspiring meeting locations, innovative cuisine, insights into foreign cultures, encounters with extraordinary personalities, and the discovery of the new — Meet, Greet, Connect, Discuss, Learn, Enjoy! We transform each journey into a <span-underline>tailor-made adventure, reinforcing team cohesion<span-underline> and fostering unforgettable brand loyalty. With our global network of exclusive partners, we turn incentive trips for employees, customers, and partners into <span-underline>unparalleled experiences.<span-underline>

Our services

Incentive trips & events

Staff events

Press & influencer/creator events

Customer and retailer incentives

Sales competitions

Product presentations

Set (R&P) position 1 in the case

Incentive & Travel

Team activities & trips

Action & entertainment programs

outdoor & indoor training

motivational coaching

Training & continuing education

Executive training

Set (R&P) position 2 in the case

Participant & travel management

Flight booking and transfer logistics

Hotel & location booking

Own registration system

Ticket delivery & participant communication

Event app & travel hotline

Set (R&P) position 3 in the case

Set (R&P) position 4 in the case

Incentive trips & events

Staff events

Press & influencer/creator events

Customer and retailer incentives

Sales competitions

Product presentations

Team building & workshops

Team activities & trips

Action & entertainment programs

outdoor & indoor training

motivational coaching

Training & continuing education

Executive training

Participant & travel management

Flight booking and transfer logistics

Hotel & location booking

Own registration system

Ticket delivery & participant communication

Event app & travel hotline

(I&MC) Set position 4 in the case

Incentive trips & events

Staff events

Press & influencer/creator events

Customer and retailer incentives

Sales competitions

Product presentations

Team building & workshops

Team activities & trips

Action & entertainment programs

outdoor & indoor training

motivational coaching

Training & continuing education

Executive training

Set (E&C) position 2 in the case

Participant & travel management

Flight booking and transfer logistics

Hotel & location booking

Own registration system

Ticket delivery & participant communication

Event app & travel hotline

Set (E&C) position 3 in the case

Set (E&C) position 4 in the case

Incentive trips & events

Staff events

Press & influencer/creator events

Customer and retailer incentives

Sales competitions

Product presentations

Team building & workshops

Team activities & trips

Action & entertainment programs

outdoor & indoor training

motivational coaching

Training & continuing education

Executive training

Participant & travel management

Flight booking and transfer logistics

Hotel & location booking

Own registration system

Ticket delivery & participant communication

Event app & travel hotline

Set (I&T) position 4 in the case

Examples of incentive & travel cases


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We turn your ideas into unforgettable moments.

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We turn your ideas into unforgettable moments.

If you're not sure, don't select any option. We will clarify all open issues in a personal conversation.
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Ferdinand-Happ-Straße 53, 60314 Frankfurt

Let's connect

We will get back to you after your request to clarify all further details.

Write us something!

We turn your ideas into unforgettable moments.

If you're not sure, don't select any option. We will clarify all open issues in a personal conversation.
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Or just give us a call!
